Indian Air Force Recruitment 2018

Indian Air Force Recruitment 2018 for House Keeping Staff and Clerk Hindi Typist



Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the following post at Indian Air
Force. The post and eligibility conditions are as follows:

Organization Name:- INDIAN AIR FORCE

Name of Post:- House Keeping Staff And Clerk Hindi Typist

Total Post:- Not Mention
Pay scale :- 19000/-RS

Education Qualification:-

  1. House Keeping - Matriculation Pass
  2. Clerk Hindi Typist -12th Class or equivalent qualification from a recognized  Board or University

Mode of selection: -

All applications are to scrutinized in terms of upper age limit, minimum
qualification and thereafter eligible candidates will call for written test.

(b) The eligible candidates will require to appear for written test. The written test will be based on minimum educational qualification.

(c) The written test will consists of (i) General Intelligence & Reasoning (ii)
Numerical Aptitude (iii) General English ) (iv) General Awareness.

(c) The question cum answer paper will be in English and Hindi.

(d) After passing the written test the candidates will be short
listed OF 1/10 for skill / practical / physical test wherever applicable.

General Points: -

(a)The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the last date for receipt of application.
Age relaxation as per existing rules is available to candidates belonging to specific
category viz SC/ST OBC/Ex-Servicemen. Only those posts which are reserved for
specific category are eligible for age relaxation.

(b)It is clarified that candidates belonging to reserved categories selected on their merit
shall be treated as general candidates and they will not be adjusted against the quota
reserved for their respective categories.

(c) It is also clarified that SC/ST/OBC candidates applying for unreserved post are
not entitled for any relaxation in age limit. Age relaxation is applicable only for reserved
posts as per rules.

(d) EX-Servicemen who have put in not less than six months continuous
service in the Armed Forces shall be allowed to deduct the period of such service from
his actual age and if the resultant age does not exceed the prescribed maximum age by
more than three years, he shall be deemed to satisfy the condition regarding age- limit.

(e) It is further clarified that an unreserved vacancy can be filled by a candidate
belonging to any category viz SC/ST/OBC/General provided that the candidate is selected
on merit.

(f) For Women candidates only: - Widows, divorced woman and woman judicially
separated from their husbands and who are not remarried are allowed age concession
up to the age of 35 years (40 years for member of SCs/STs).

(g) Service conditions- Liable to serve anywhere in India including field area.


(i) Applications without details / copies of certificate etc will be rejected summarily and no further
correspondence will be entertained. Decision of the Board of Officers will be final.

(ii) Applications received after due date will not be considered.

(iii) The date/time and place of exam will be intimated by post to eligible candidates. The Organization will not be responsible for any kind of postal delay.

(iv) SC/ST and disabled ex-servicemen candidates attending for interview/written examination for
reserve category are eligible for 2nd class rail fares.

How to apply: - 

(a) Eligible can apply to any of the above Air Force Station of their choice subject
to the vacancies and qualifications. Application duly typed in English/Hindi as per the
format given below duly completed with recent passport size photo graph duly attested
by self pasted thereon are to be submitted by the candidates to the address as mentioned
at Para 2 above. The application is to be accompanied with self addressed envelope
with appropriate postage stamp duty affixed.

(b) Last date of receipt of application is 30 days from the date of advertisement in
Employment News.

(c) All documents in support of Education Qualification, Age, Domicile certificate,
experience and caste certificate etc to be accompanied the application should be self

(d) In case of OBC candidates applying for reserved quota, their caste should be
listed under the Central List of OBCs.

(e) In case of Ex-Servicemen category candidates applying for Ex-servicemen
quota and if the vacancy is reserved for SC/ST/OBC, then it should be filled by an Ex-
Serviceman belonging to the respective category.

Notification/Application Form:- Click Here

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