Online Police Quiz 3 By Ocean Of Jobs
Hello Friends ! here is an important online quiz for upcoming Gujarat police Constable Exam. Here you can give online test related Exam Syllabus and can prepare better for any exam.(Online Police Quiz 3 By OceanOfJobs)
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This personality ethic, I began to realize, was the subconscious source of the solutions Sandra and I were attempting to use with our son. As I thought more deeply about the difference between the personality and character ethics, I realized that Sandra and I had been getting social mileage out of our children’s good behavior, and, in our eyes, this son simply didn’t measure up. Our image of ourselves, and our role as good, caring parents was even deeper than our image of our son and perhaps influenced it. There was a lot more wrapped up in the way we were seeing and handling the problem than our concern for our son’s welfare.
As Sandra and I talked, we became painfully aware of the powerful influence of our character and motives and of our perception of him. We knew that social comparison motives were out of harmony with our deeper values and could lead to conditional love and eventually to our son’s lessened sense of self-worth. So we determined to focus our efforts on us — not on our techniques, but on our deepest motives and our perception of him. Instead of trying to change him, we tried to stand apart — to separate us from him — and to sense his identity, individuality, separateness, and worth.
Name : Online Police Quiz 3
Quiz/Test No. : 3
File Type : Online
Subject : G.K
Total Marks : 20