National Highways Authority Of India Recruitment 2018
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) invites applications at its Regional Offices as per Annexure-I from officers under the Central Government or State Governments or Union Territories or Universities or Recognized Research Institutions affiliated to Government of India or Public Sector Undertakings or Semi Government or Statutory or Autonomous Organizations and other Government Bodies on deputation basis for the following posts:More details like Post name,total post,age limit,education qualification and many more..
Organization:-National Highways Authority of India (NHAI)
Job Details:-
Post Name:-Deputy General Manager (Technical)
Total Post:-131
Pay Scale:-Rs.15600-39100
Post Name:-Manager (Technical)
Total Post:-92
Pay Scale:-Rs.15600-39100
Total Post:-233
Education Qualification:-
Deputy General Manager (Technical):-
(i) Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute.
(ii) 9 years’ experience in the Pay Scale of Pay Band-3 (Rs.15,600-39,100) with Grade Pay Rs.5400/- or equivalent or higher out of which 6 years’ experience in implementation of Infrastructure Sectors related to Highways, Roads and Bridges.
Manager (Technical):-
(i) Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute.
(ii) 4 years’ experience in the Pay Scale of Pay Band-3 (Rs.15,600-39,100) with Grade Pay Rs.5400/- or equivalent or higher out of which 3 years’ experience in implementation of Infrastructure Sectors related to Highways, Roads and Bridges.
Selection Process:-Candidates will be selected based on interview.
How To Apply:-
Detailed advertisement alongwith eligibility criteria and other conditions may be seen on NHAI website
Duly filled-in applications (along with the requisite information / documents stated in the detailed advertisement available on the NHAI website) may be sent by Registered/Speed Post, through proper channel, to the respective Regional Office of NHAI (list enclosed with the detailed advertisement on the NHAI website) so as to reach latest by 12.02.2018. If the candidate anticipates delay in forwarding of his/her application from parent department, he/she should submit an advance copy of the application before the last date prescribed for the receipt of applications and in any case the applications through proper channel alongwith requisite documents must reach on or before the date of walk-in screening as detailed at para 4 below.
A walk-in screening of the candidates (who have submitted their application within the prescribed time period) shall be held on 20th February, 2018 for the post of DGM (Tech) & 21st February, 2018 for the post of Manager (Tech) at the respective Regional Office of NHAI. The presence of such candidates shall be mandatory in the said walk-in-screening on the given dates for consideration of their candidature. Therefore the candidates are advised to apply only at one Regional Office of his / her choice.
Corrigendum or Addendum or Cancellation to this advertisement, if any, shall be published only on the website of NHAI. Therefore, the candidates are advised to check the website of NHAI regularly.
Important Dates:-Last Date Of Online Application:-12-02-2018
Advertisement:-Click Here
Official Notification:-Click Here
Apply Online:-Click Here
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