RRB ALP RECRUITMENT 2018 Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP) & Technician Categories Posts 26502
Detailed Centralized Employment Notification CEN 01/2018. ONLINE applications are invited from eligible candidates for the posts of Assistant Loco Pilot & Technicians. Applications complete in all respect should be submitted ONLINE ONLY before 23.59 hrs of 05.03.2018. and other details like age limit,education qualification,selection process,how to apply given below..
Official Website:-www.rrcb.gov.in
Post Name:-
Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP):-17,673
Technician Categories:-8829
Total Post:-26,502
Age Limit:-Minimum 18 and Maximum 28
Age Relaxation
- SC/ST 5Years
- OBC 3 Years
- PWD 10 Years
Pay Scale:-Level 02 of 7th CPC Pay Matrix with initial pay of `19900/- plus other allowances as admissible.
Education Qualification:-Candidates should have the Educational/Technical qualifications indicated for notified posts in the CEN from recognized Institute/University as on the closing date for submission of the ONLINE application. Annexure-A may be referred for the prescribed qualification against each of the posts. Those awaiting results of the final examination of the prescribed educational/technical qualification SHOULD NOT apply. Diploma/Degree in Engineering will not be accepted in lieu of course completed Act Apprenticeship / ITI for the post of Technicians unless otherwise specified. Graduate Act Apprentice will not be accepted in lieu of Course Completed Act Apprenticeship (CCAA).
Assistant Loco Pilot (ALP):-You Must have Matriculation / SSLC Plus ITI/ Course Completed Act Apprentices or Diploma/ Degree in Engineering. Refer to the detailed CEN published on the websites of RRBs for Trade/Disciplines.
Technician Categories:-You Should have Matriculation/ SSLC Plus ITI / Course Completed Act Apprentices or 10 + 2 with Physics and Maths or Diploma in Engineering (As Applicable). Refer to the detailed CEN Published on the websites of RRB’s for Trades/Disciplines against each of the posts.
RRB ALP Technician Eligibility Criteria:-
RRB Zone Wise Vacancies 2018
Selection Process:-Candidates may please note that the RRB wise, Railway wise vacancies indicated in this CEN are provisional and these may increase or decrease as per the requirement of Railway
administrations. Accordingly, RRBs will publish updated Vacancy Table on their websites indicating the RRB wise vacancies against various Railways/Production units and posts after the completion of First Stage CBT. Candidates who secure marks, equal to or above the Minimum Qualifying Marks prescribed for various communities/categories (refer Para 13.1) in the First Stage CBT shall be advised to exercise their option for RRB and preference of Railways and Posts within the chosen RRB. These candidates may study the updated Vacancy Table and exercise the options ONLINE as per their eligibility (Qualification, Medical Standard etc) for various posts. It may be noted that candidates can choose only one RRB and indicate their preference of Railway Units and posts against vacancies notified for the chosen RRB only.
Medical Standard:-
a. ONLINE fee payment through internet banking or debit/credit cards upto 05.03.2018 till 22.00 Hrs.
b. OFFLINE fee payment through
- i. SBI Bank Branch for Challan Payment mode closes on 05.03.2018 at 13.00 Hrs in any branch of SBI.
- ii. Post Office Challan Payment mode closes on 03.03.2018 at 13.00 Hrs in any branch of computerized Post Office.All applicable service charges shall be borne by the candidate. If the fee is paid through off line mode viz (b) i & ii above, the receipt should be preserved. The same should be produced on demand at the time of DV.
How To Apply:-Apply through official Website given below.
Important Notes:-
1) Applications are to be submitted ONLINE through RRB websites listed in Para 19.0 ONLY. One application ONLY is required to be submitted for all the notified posts in this CEN. Any attempt by a candidate to submit more than one application against this CEN shall result in disqualification and debarment.
2) Eligibility of the candidates will be considered only on the strength of the information furnished in the ONLINE Application. If at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in his/her application is false/incorrect or the candidate has suppressed any relevant information or the candidate does not satisfy the eligibility criteria for the post(s), his/her candidature will be rejected forthwith.
3) Candidates must ensure that they fulfill the prescribed medical standards for the post(s) they are opting for. Candidates who are found medically unsuitable for the opted post(s) shall not be given any alternative appointment.
4) Stages of Exam: There shall be two stages examination (First stage CBT and Second Stage CBT) common for ALP and Technician. In addition , candidates who have opted for ALP and qualified in Second Stage CBT have to undergo Computer Based Aptitude Test (AT). Marks will be normalized in all the stages of exam.
5) After candidates submit their option for specific RRB/Railway & Posts, RRB wise shortlisting of candidates for Second Stage CBT shall be done at the rate of 15 times (may increase or decrease as per the the requirement of Railway Administration) the updated vacancies for that RRB. The short listing for Second Stage CBT will be based on the merit of candidates in First Stage CBT. The RRB wise short listed candidates for Second Stage CBT shall be advised through the websites of RRBs as well as personal communication to the registered mobile number and email to download their e call
letter for appearing in the Second Stage CBT.
6) Negative Marking: There shall be negative marking for incorrect answers in First and Second Stage CBT. 1/3rd of the marks allotted for each question shall be deducted for each wrong answer. There shall be no negative marking for Computer Based Aptitude Test.
7) Electronic gadgets like Mobile phones, bluetooth, pen drive, laptops, calculators, wrist watches or any other communication devices or pen/pencil are strictly NOT allowed inside the exam hall. Any infringement of this instruction shall entail summary rejection besides legal action including debarment from future examinations.
8) Candidates are advised in their own interest not to bring any of the banned items including mobile phones etc. to the venue of the examination, as arrangements for safe keeping cannot be assured.
9) Candidates should have their own mobile number and valid & active personal email id and keep them active for the entire duration of recruitment as RRBs shall send all recruitment related communications only through SMS and email till the recruitment is completely over. RRBs will not entertain any request for change of mobile number and e-mail address at any stage.
Important Dates:-Date of publication: 03.02.2018.
Date & Time of Closing: 05.03.2018 up to 23.59 Hrs.
First stage Computer Based Test (CBT): Tentatively scheduled during April and May, 2018.
Dates for other stages of recruitment process shall be intimated through RRB's website.